Basic Interview questions

Sample Interview Questions and


Each and every interview starts with question from the chairman of interview. He normally asks candidate to say few words about family and education background. Normally he asks, or start the interview by asking, 'Tell me about yourself'. Candidate should reply to this question by giving just brief overview of name, education background, family and family background.

1.  What are you doing nowadays? 

Ans :

· They are looking for your mental attitude by asking you this question. 
·  If you are finding job, you should straight forward tell them the truth. They will ask for the reason why there is delay in getting job? You should tell the correct reason behind it. They actually find whether candidate is  right person with right attitude or not. Do not give meaningless answer. They will find it and mark them as negative points.
·    If you are working somewhere else, tell the complete details, do not hide anything. They will further ask you about company and designation of yours and some question related to it measure your behavior in that company or professional life. 

2. What is your favorite subject in Mechanical engineering?
·  Just be prepared for this question. This is the moment where you can prove yourself as sound in knowledge by saying your favorite subject. Normally they are looking for the subject in which their company is based on. If you are applying for the design job and you tell them thermal science as favorite subject, there is no problem. They will just check whether you are speaking truth or not. Do not tell them your favorite subject is Machine Design. If they keep throwing question regarding Machine Design, you will be caught. Do not worry if you tell other than the subject of company. Be true to yourself. You will be trained once you will be recruited. 

3. What was your project topic during Mechanical engineering?
·     They will looking for leadership and overall quality in this question. If you did project in group work, they will find out your leadership quality by related question. 
·     What was your role? 
·     How much time it has taken to complete the project? 
·    What is the role of guide in the project?  Thus they will measure you

4. How do you see yourself after 5 years from now?
Ans :
·   They want leaning and growth as your aim in this question. Do not tell I want to be General Manager or higher post in short time. It is joke actually. Tell the systematic plan for pursuance of your goal.

5. What are the software you know?
Ans :
·    You should have basic software knowledge to be used in mechanical engineering work. You should know AutoCAD, Pro-Engineer and one Analysis software like ANSYS.

Here is the list of the most commonly asked questions during the interviews. Hope this helps to most of you
1. Introduce yourself?
2. What are your career preferences?
3. How much salary you are expecting?
4. What is your plan regarding continuing your education?
5. Tell us about your hobbies?
6. What are your strengths & weaknesses?
7. Are you ready to work in a team?
8. Can you work in stress?
9. What good things you liked in your ex boss?
10. How do you feel working on weekend?
11. Define success?
12. How good your communication is?
13. Where do you see yourself in next 2 years?
14. You like trying new things or stay with old ones?
15. Why you have applied for this position?
16. Tell us about your family?
17. Areas where you can revamp your skills?
18. What if you are not selected for this position?
19. What makes you feel that you are the best candidate for this position?
20. What you preferred, money or work?
21. Tell us about your subjects?
23. What is your greatest strength?
24. What are you looking for in a job?
25. What kind of person would you refuse to work with?
26. What is more important to you: the money or the work?
27. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.
28. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?
29. What motivates you to do your best on the job?
30. Describe your management style.
31. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?
32. Describe your work ethic.
33. What qualities do you look for in a boss?
34. What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
35. Do you have any questions for me?

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