Chapter- 1 Heredity and Evolution:

1.      The inheritance of characteristics from one generation to another generation is called heredity.
2.    Gregor Johann Mendel conducted the first ever scientific experimental study on heredity.
3.   The first experiment of Mendel considering the inheritance of a single trait is called Monohybrid Cross.
4.    Expression of morphological characters as tall or dwarf plant, violet or white flower is called Phenotype.
5.    The expression of gene of an individual for a particular trait is called Genotype.
6.    The genes are the factors which form the physical basis for inheritance of Characters.
7.     Somatic Variation pertains to body cells and it is not inherited.
8.    Germinal Variation pertains to germ cells or gametes and it is inheritable.
9.     Induced clones are developed by nuclear transfer into the host cell.
10.    The embryonic stem cells can be extracted from early embryo which is developed by “invitro fertilization”.
11.    The mechanism of adult or somatic stem cell culture is similar to that of embryonic stem cell culture.
12.    Antibiotics are chemical substances derived from microbes like fungi, bacteria, etc. employed to kill infectious germs and cure a disease.
13.  Bio-chemically significant enzymes are derived from microbes.
14.Diabetes is treated by the biotechnologically produced insulin.
15.Bio-chips are microchips which are developed by employing techniques of bio-technology.

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