Upcoming Technology in Software Field

Google Glass

      Augmented Reality has already gotten into our life in the forms of simulated experiment and education app, but Google is taking it several steps higher with Google Glass. Theoretically, with Google Glass, you are able to view social media feeds, text, Google Maps, as well as navigate with GPS and take photos. You will also get the latest updates while you are on the ground.

      It’s truly what we called vision, and it’s absolutely possible given the fact that the Google’s co-founder, Sergey Brin has demo’ed the glass with skydivers and creatives. Currently the device is only available to some developers with the price tag of $1500, but expect other tech companies trying it out and building an affordable consumer version.

Augmented Reality

          The concept of augmented reality has been in existence for a few years now despite the fact that many users of mobile devices are under the impression that it is a new phenomenon. New technologies such as Google’s augmented reality glasses which are the first computing eyewear are still in the testing phase. This leads mobile device users to believe augmented reality is new on the horizon.

       Even though Google Glasses have yet to be officially released, there are hundreds of augmented reality apps that you can get for your smartphone which work just as well. These apps can be used in everyday applications and even more so for educational purposes. Augmented reality apps are changing the way educational content is offered which helps to improve classroom learning through interaction. Let’s take a look at the 5 best augmented reality apps for education that you can try out.

Social Media

           Of course you will find posts about popular social networks like Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Tumblr and Youtube in this section. But, you will also reading about how to get some networking, user engagement and marketing done via the networks, with and without social media tools.
     Plus, we look at some phenomena that stemmed from the murky depths of social media, such as selfies, keyboard warriors, the art of hashtagging, the effects social media has on human behaviour and more.
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