Home remedies for dengue

Currently, the national capital of Delhi is battling one of its worst dengue outbreak in recent years with the cases nearing to 2000. The dreaded mosquito-borne disease has claimed 16 lives so far in Delhi this year.

Since there is no specific vaccine or drug to prevent dengue, people are looking for alternative or natural home remedies to control the dangerous disease.

Of the many options, papaya and goat milk are the ones that have gained top spots when it comes to treating and managing dengue naturally.

Now, touts are selling these items at a soaring prices- goat milk for Rs 2,000/litre and a dry blade of papaya leaf for Rs 500.

Goat milk: While goat milk is believed to help in increasing platelet counts, there is no scientific proof yet to back this evidence.

Papaya leaves: As far as papaya is concerned, recently, a pill made of papaya leaf extract has been found to be effective in treating dengue patients.

Developed by a Bengaluru-based lab, Micro Labs, the pill 'Caripill' is the first drug to be backed by adequate scientific data to increase the platelet count in dengue cases.

The leaves of papaya can be crushed and then strained using a cloth to drink the pure juice.

Probably, papaya is the most well-known alternative treatment for dengue.

Neem leaves: Neem leaves and neem oil are considered as a great purifying agent. It is believed that drinking steeping neem leaves and then drinking the subsequent brew can help subside the fever.

Coriander leaves: Fresh coriander leaves can be taken in the form of tonic to reduce the fever dengue.

Basil leaves: Basil leaves are another great option for dengue treatment. As per traditional belief, drinking boiled tulsi water can help prevent the outbreak of dengue.

Water: Drink as much water as possible to keep the body hydrated and to replace the fluid loss. This will also bring down the body temparature while easing symptom like headaches and muscle cramps.

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