KELTRON Employment 2015 for 127 Technical and Non – Technical posts

KELTRON Employment 2015 for 127 Technical and Non – Technical posts
KELTRON, Keltron Electro Ceramics Limited (KECL) had mentioned making the staffing of the candidates. The detail having publicized mentioned getting followed for the 127 Technical and Non – Technical posts for which the various vacated departments are underside:

Age Limit: The age demand by the KELTRON on the date 1st Jan 2015 having permitted as 35 years with the relaxation to the reserved category applicants.
Educational Qualification: The qualification interlink with the applicants for the vacated positions is to get via the notification having announced.
Fee Schedule: The associated application fee as announced by the KELTRON is the Rs. 250 for the post of the Operator Trainee and operator. The remaining posts are to get registered with the payment of Rs. 500. The fee arrangement got exempted for the SC, ST applicants.
Selection Process: The filtration of the efficient candidates provided making with the academic qualification and the experience in the work. The processes got structured at next for the absolute choice is the written test, skill test, group discussion, and the interview session.
Application Submission:  The registration for the position having publicized is to get with the official website of the KELTRON. The use of the printout of the application got announced making the future selection processes.
Significant Dates: 20th Sep 2015: The closing date having published for the complete submission of the request.
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