Stem Cell(Part-III)

  • It is discover from the famous German biologist Ernst Haeckel used the term "Stammzelle" (German language) in his book. Anthropogenie to mean the zygote as the originator of all cells in the organism. Scientists studying the stem cell, which was capable of giving rise to all the divers lineages of blood cells viz. the erythrocytes (red blood cells) and leukocytes (T-cells, B-cells, macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils etc.).

  •  The concept of the stem cell, a cell that can divide and self renew indefinitely and that could differentiate into a number of different cell types was introduced and demonstrted by James Till and Ernest Mcculloch in 1960s.

  • Mice irradiated with high dose of X-ray die rapidly because the radiation kills blood cells essential for oxygen transport and immunity. James and Ernest found that these mice could be rescued by injection of bone marrow from a normal mouse. The bone marrow contained 'hematopoietic stem cells' that could recolonize the marrow of the irradiated mice and provide a study supply of all blood lineages for life. 
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