Scientific Laws(Part-III)

Le Chatelier's Principle 

      When a system in equilibrium is subjected to a change of temperature pressure or concentration, the equilibrium automatically shifts in the direction which tends to undo the effect of the change imposed.

Faraday's Law of Electrolysis

      (i) The products of electrolysis appear only at the electrodes and their weight is proportional to the quantity of electricity based.

      (ii) When the same current passes through different electrolytes, the amounts of reactions liberated at the various electrodes are proportional to their chemical equivalents.

Dulong and Petit's Law

        The products of the atomic weight of a substance and its specific heat is approximately equal to 6.4.


        It is the number of atoms of hydrogen with which can combine an atom of a substance.


       When atoms share equal number of electrons to complete each other's orbit, such type of valency is called covalency. 
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