Most important thing about Our Body Temparature

  •       Our normal body temperature varies from individual to individual but is typically just over 37 degree Celsius. Should this drop by even a small amount,then hypothermia sets in.

  •       At 36 degree Celsius,your reaction times and judgement become impaired.At 35 degree Celsius you will be unable to write your own name and even walking is very difficult.And 33 degree Celsius,you may become irrational,throwing away survival gear and stripping off your clothing.32 degree Celsius, most people will collapse, slipping unconscious when their core temperature drops to around 30 degree Celsius.

  •          At this point , the body has given up trying to maintain core temperature. Breathing drops to just one or two breaths a minute.By 28 degree Celsius, cardiac arrhythmia (an irregular heartbeat) sets in and by the time you have cooled to 20 degree Celsius, your will have stopped beating altogether. 

  •           In this time,you can improve your chances of survival by being warmed up very gently and have paramedics on hand with a defibrillator.It helps you're young, too, because children's organs are more resilient.   
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