
Stephenson's Rocket

     Rocket steered the world towards mobile power instead of fixed engines pulling on ropes. Its designers, Robert Stephenson and Company, built it according to basic principles that became a standard for steam locomotives, carrying people and goods around the globe for well over a century.

Pilot ACE Computer

     One of the earliest general-purpose electronic computers. Pilot ACE ran its first program on 10th May 1950.

The Atmospheric Engine

     The atmospheric engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1712. Another model was built by Francis Thompson at a colliery in UK, 1791. The atmospheric engine solved the energy crisis of its day and heralded the start of the industrial revolution.

Model T Ford

    The Ford Motor Company brought motoring within the reach of lots of people.

The Electric Telegraph

     Charles Wheatstone and William Cooke patented the world's first successful electric telecommunication device in 1837. For long distance communication and that led to the first public communication network. India discontinued telegraph in 2013. US and Europe discontinued it in 2006.  
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