Inventions is the next level of human generation from prolonged period(part-I)

       In 1985,the physicist Wilhelm Rontgen discovered X-rays, the "X" signifying their then-unknown origin. He later found that the rays could pass through flesh and by using photographic plates could make images of bones inside the body. X-ray of Rontgen's wife's hand was taken in December 1895 and is the oldest surviving X-ray image of a part of the human body. 

       Fungal spores that drifted through these windows in central London led Alexander Fleming to discover the first antibiotic in 1928. By the mid-1940s, work in the UK and US led to the first penicillin reaching patients.

DNA double helix
        The reconstruction of the first ever model of the DNA molecule contains some of the original parts used by Francis Crick and James Watson in 1953. Their breakthrough made it possible to understand both how  organisms pass on their genes and how the workings of cells are governed.

Apollo 10 capsule
        In 1969, three men travelled around the moon in this capsule as a rehearsal for the first moon landing, which took place two months later.

V2 rocket engine 
        In 1942, V2 powered a weapon used by the losing side in the World War-II. The rockets creator, Wernher von Braun, moved to the US, where he worked on the nascent ICB missile programme. Later working for NASA, he masterminded the Saturn V rocket that launched Apollo 11 to the moon.

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