Inventions in everyday life(Part-III)

Washing Machine 

       The first washing machine was invented in 1908. The "Thor" washing machine was invented by Alva Fisher and was introduced by Hurley Machine Company.

Vacuum Cleaner 

       The first vacuum cleaner was invented in 1901. by Hubert Cecil Booth. This monstrous equipment was kept outside the building while hoses were extended indoors, didn't quite look like the vacuum of today.

Absorption Refrigerator 

        Baltzar von Platen and Carl Munters invented the first absorption refrigerator.It was to use heat as a source of energy for the cooling system. In 1926, Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard created another design of an absorption refrigerator, which hit the market for households in the 1950s.

Microwave Oven

       It was Percy Spencer that noticed that these radar waves melted the candy bar in his pocket.Due to his discovery in 1945, the first commercial microwave went on the market in 1954.

Frozen Foods

       Before frozen foods, fruits and vegetables would go bad. In 1923, Clarence Birdseye found that.Today frozen foods are just for convenience that we can just pop in the microwave.  
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