Ten Questions you need to ask before you climb Everest


Will i make the top?
       Of the hundreds of people that attempt to climb Everest 

each year, only about 30 percent succeed. The biggest problem 

is bad weather, which can trap climbers at Base camp or force 

them to turn back.

Do I need to be fit?

       Yes, the route to the summit at 8,848 m (29,028 ft) is over 

rock, snow and ice.However, age is no barrier. The youngest to 

make it was Temba Tsheri, 15, the oldest was Bahadur 

Sherchan, 76, both from Nepal.

How long it will take?

        It's impossible to predict, but, from Base Camp, four days 

up and four days down reasonable. The fastest ascent was by 

Italian Hans KammerLander, who got to the top in 16 hours 

and 45 minutes in 1996.

What should I take ?

       What you take up, you must bring down, so take only the 

bare essentials. There's an estimated 50 tonnes of rubbish on 

Mount Everest, made up of equipment and supplies left 

behind - much of it at Base Camp.

Will it be cold ?

        The temperature at summit averages - 36 degrees celsius 

(- 33 degrees fahrenheit), but can drop as low as -60 degrees 

celsius (-76 degrees fahrenheit) This can freeze the skin 

causing frostbite. Toes are the first to suffer, so warm socks 

are essential. 

What is snow blindness ?

        This is when snow reflects the sun ray's and it burns the 

back of eyes so you can't see. Sun goggles are essential. They 

absorb the harmful UV rays. 

What is altitude sickness ?

         Above 3,660 m (12,000 ft), oxygen level drops by 40 per 

cent and most climbers gasp for breath. To avoid serious 

symptoms they need to breathe oxygen from cylinders.
Is the  climb risky ?

        Yes to date the mountain has claimed many lives.

What's the death zone ?

          This  the region above 8,000 m (26,246 ft) where there is 

only half the normal level of oxygen. Even with oxygen supply. 

the body starts to shut down and the slightest exertion takes 

tremendous effort.  

What's the top ?

          From the top of the world you get a unique view over the 

Himalayas of Tibet,India, and Nepal. You can see for more 

than 160km and even make out the curvature of the earth's 




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