John Cena vs. Kevin Owens in Elimination Chamber 2015

            When John Cena defeated Rusev to retain the United States championship at Payback last night, it paved the way for his weekly open challenge on Monday Night Raw to continue. It did so tonight in Richmond, Virginia, although an actual match didn't take place.

That's because NXT Heavyweight Champion Kevin Owens answered the call, ran Cena down on the microphone, then powerbombed him and stepped on his title.
Later, Renee Young caught up with Owens immediately after the champ had a conversation with WWE COO Triple H. It was announced that Owens, who defends the NXT title against Sami Zayn at Takeover: Unstoppable in just two days, will take on Cena for the US title at the Elimination Chamber event on May 31, 2015

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