How to survive an earthquake

      The surface of the Earth is like a massive jigsaw puzzle made 
up of huge rocky pieces called tectonic plates. The pieces of this puzzle are constantly moving about very slowly, but with immense force. If they slide past or cash into each other the Earth shakes and quakes.   

Warning signs ?

    Some people claim that you can predict an earthquake by spotting changes in some animals ' behaviour in the days before an earthquake.

     Hens stop laying eggs

     Bees leave their hives

     Rats, weasels, and centipedes leave their homes in large numbers

     Dogs bark or whine excessively 

     Flamingos abandon their low - lying breeding grounds 

    Mass migration of toads to safer ground   
How to survive an earthquake 

        In earthquake zones, such as California, USAe and Japan, school children regularly practise an earthquake drill. In California, children are taught to " Duck, Cover, and Hold ".

       As soon as you feel the earth shaking, duck or drop down to            the floor.

       Take cover under a desk or table and protect your head and neck with your arms.

        Hold onto the desk,table, or furniture and move with it, if necessary. Remember to stay put until the shaking stops.  



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