Guidelines for practising Asanas
We have to keep in mind that while going in for asana practice we have to adhere to general conditions with regard to dress, time of practice, place of practice, so as to achieve the maximum benefits.
The minimum possible dress is recommended. More area of our body should be exposed to the atmosphere. The dress should be loose and elastic, preferably in cotton materials. Dress should also be light and airy.
It can be practiced both in the morning and in the evening. The morning session will be good. because the atmosphere is pure and calm. And also it is helpful to focus our mind in a desired direction. There should be a gap of 4 hours between meals and practice-time.
The place of practice is very important. While in practice, the practitioner should not be disturbed by other external factors. The place should have proper ventilation, free from pollution, free from dust and ants and quite calm in nature. During summer, it should be done preferably outdoors. During winter, it must be done indoors.
Body should be clean, particularly our stomach and intestine should be empty. Finish the morning routines. take bath, and after 30 minutes, practice asanas. At the time of practice, the body should be light and fresh.