About Anaesthesia

Anaesthesia :-Before Anaesthesia explain to the patient what will happen and where he will wake up.otherwise the recovery area will be frightening.He may feel ill on waking.The premedication aims to allay anxiety and to make the anesthesia itself easier to conduct .

Papaveretum:- 1-5y 2-5mg, 6-12y 5-10mg,adult 10-20mg IM with 400 ug  hyoscine (scopolamine) for amnesia and secretion drying( child 15ug /kg) or 600ug atropine (child 20ug/kg)IM.
Diazepam:- 0.1 -0.2 mg/kg IM/PO
For Children,trimeprazine tartrate 3mg/kg as syrup(30mg/5ml).Give Drugs Before Surgery.

The Sideeffects of anaesthetic agents:-

Hyoscine,atropine:Tachycardia,urine retention,glaucoma,
Papaveretum:Respiratory depression,absent cough reflex.

The Complications of anaesthesia are due to loss of :
Pain Sensation: Urinary Retention,Diathermy Burns.
Consciousness: Cannot say 'Wrong Leg'
Muscle Power:no respiration,no cough ( leading to pneumonia and atelectasis).corneal abrasion cannot say 'i feel aware of "..

Local anaesthesia:- In patients who are unfit for general anaesthesia ,local nerve blocks or spinal blocks (contraindication: anticoagulation) using local action local anaesthetics (eg bupivacaine) may be indicated.intercoastal blocks aid postoperative pain control.

Drugs complicating anaesthesia:- Steroids increase dose required(p132) Digoxin: Check for toxicity.
Beta blockers;Continue upto operation
Anticonvulsants:Give usual Dose up to 1 h before surgery.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors:Stop three weeks before surgery.
Anticoagulants are a contraindication to epidural/spinal blocks.

Malignant hyperpyrexia is a rare and lethal complication of anaesthesia.There is a rapid rise in temperature.(Eg 1*C per 5 main up to 43*C( and acidosis due to muscular rigidity.The condition responds to dantrolene(1 mg/kg/5 min IV up to 10 mg/kg in sum.

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