What’s inside a jukebox?

 This type of jukebox, with a 21st-Century inner mechanism, holds 80 compact discs (CDs) stacked horizontally on a slotted rack. When switched on, the pick-up mechanism runs on a track to the end of the rack, and then a sensor sends it 40 spaces to the centre of the rack. After a CD or song is selected on the panel of the jukebox, or via a remote-control unit, a location wheel on the pick-up mechanism sends it along its track to the correct CD location. The pick-up mechanism lifts the selected disc, takes it back to the centre of the jukebox, and drops it down to the playback head. The CD playing head will scan the number of tracks on that disc and play the one that was selected. Once the track has fi nished the CD is lifted and returned to its original slot and the selection process is ready to start all over again.

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