C++ Program to enter the principal, rate & time and print the simple interest

Program to enter the principal, rate & time and print the simple interest

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>

void main()
int x;
float sinterest,principal,rate,time;
cout << "Enter the principal, rate & time : " << endl;
cout << "Principal = $" << principal << endl;
cout << "Rate = " << rate << "%" << endl;
cout << "Time = " << time << " years" << endl;
cout << "Simple Interest = $" << sinterest << endl;
This program takes in the prinicipal, rate and time as a screen input from the user.
The program is executed (run) 5 times using the 'FOR' loop.
It calculates the simple interest using the formula I = PTR/100.
The principal, rate, time and the simple interest are then outputted using the 'cout' command.


Principal = $1000
Rate = 5%
Time = 3 years
Simple Interest = $150

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