Absolutely Necessary Products For Lazy People

Your arms are fragile and do not need to lift this heavy hot wind blowing machine.

No one should be expected to actually move their wrist in a circular motion while holding a spoon.

It’s a sandwich, but without any of the physical sandwich making labor!

To make pre-bedtime Candy Crush a snap.

Any time you’re wearing a tie is the perfect time to take a nap.

The only thing better than eating food is eating other peoples’ food.

Is it too much to ask that we form our OWN snowballs? Yes. It is.

No one should have to be forced to sit upright while reading or watching TV.


This toilet paper extender:

Nothing worse than the ol’ lean-and-drip.

This laser cat toy


A self-turning ice cream cone

This popcorn-maker that shoots it straight into your mouth

These sauce-dispensing chopsticks

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