Wire Rope Elevator | Mechanical Project Abstract

Wire Rope Elevator | Mechanical Project Abstract


This project is developed for the users to lift a heavy weight object with little effort using mechanical advantage of pulleys.
The main parts of this project are pulleys, motor with gear setup, weight pan etc.

There are four pulleys connected with the weight pan. Two pulleys in the weight pan are linked with another two pulleys, which are fixed with a beam placed above the weight pan. Another two pulleys in the weight pan are linked directly with the cylinder, which is connected with the motor with gear set up.

When the motor is switched on for forward movement, the cylinder rotates and it pulls the rope in one direction. Thus the four pulleys in the weight pan are rotated in one direction and with the help of the rope, the weight pan moves upwards. If the pan reaches the highest portion, a sensor automatically stops the movement.

When the motor is switched on for reverse movement, the cylinder rotates and it pulls the rope in other direction. Thus the four pulleys in the weight pan are rotated in other direction and with the help of the rope, the weight pan moves downwards. If the pan reaches the lowest portion, a sensor automatically stops the movement.

Thus this device can be used for lifting an object up or down with very high mechanical advantage. Since it uses artificial sensor to stop the motion, this will be very useful in industries
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