Wind Based Water Pump | Mechanical Project Abstract

Wind Based Water Pump | Mechanical Project Abstract


The project entitled Wind Based Water Pump is used to draw water using Wind. The main parts in this project are Rotating blades, Gear and wheel setup, Cylinder and piston arrangement, One way Valves, Suction, delivery pipes, foot valve and Wind direction pointer.

The vanes in the turbine are rotated with constant speed. The gear setup can be adjusted to control the speed of the fly wheel. A connecting rod is connected with the fly wheel. The connecting rod will move up and down when the fly wheel is rotated.

A cylinder and piston arrangement is connected with the connecting rod. When the rod is moving up and down, the piston inside the cylinder moves up and down and thereby operates a one way valve. The one way valve is closed when the piston moves up and opened when the piston moves down.

A foot valve is connected at the end of the suction pipe. Inside the foot valve, there is a one way valve. The one way valve is closed when the piston moves up and opened when the piston moves down. Thus there is a alternate flow of water in the delivery pipe. Since this uses no electric power and fuel, this is very cheap and best
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