Why is Abraham Lincoln lying under two tons of cement?

Why is Abraham Lincoln lying   under two tons of cement?

Abraham Lincoln was the first US president to be killed and the first US president whose body was just about stolen. We have the Secret Service to thank for this 'just about'. Lincoln marked the law that made the Secret Service on the day of his homicide. In the first decade of its presence the Secret Administration was tasked with the unmasking and disbanding of a fake cash ring. 

By the 1860s the ascent of the fraud exchange in the US implied that a large portion of the dollars available for use were fake. The pioneer of the fraud pack, a man called James 'Huge Jim' Kinealy, had an alternate terrific plan up his sleeve: to grab Lincoln's cadaver and hold it to buy-off until the legislature paid $200,000. 

On the night of seventh November 1876 Kinealy's men snuck into the Oak Ridge Cemetery in Illinois and broke into Lincoln's tomb. However the lead-lined coffin measured a quarter of a ton and they were not able to lift it. The group pioneer requested his accessory Lewis Swegles to get the driver of the getaway vehicle. towards the road, he crawled into the lobby where a group of officials from the Secret Service were holding up. 

Swegles was not at all shocked, for this had been his arrange the whole time. He was a Secret Administration source. Patrick D. Tyrrell, then Chief of the Secret Service, had as of now been holding up in the lobby for three hours. At Swegles' sign, the men got prepared to capture the grave looters. At the same time the hoodlums had the capacity flee before the specialists could enter the tomb. 

After the break-in, Lincoln's coffin was watched in the basement of the Lincoln Memorial for a considerable length of time and was put away in 16 distinctive areas between 1876 also 1901 in a push to prevent potential criminals. 

By 1901 Lincoln's just surviving child Robert Todd Lincoln had enough and orchestrated his dad's coffin to be put in a steel confine, sunk into a tomb three meters underground at Oak Ridge Cemetery also fixed with two huge amounts of concrete. As far as anybody knows, the group of Abraham Lincoln still lies there right up till the present time.
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