Vehicle Loan Watching System | Mechanical Project Abstract

Vehicle Loan Watching System | Mechanical Project Abstract


Our project aim is to provide communication between two wheeler sellers and buyers in vehicle loan systems, which provide more advanced technology, which is not at the present. This project is specifically implemented to calculate the distance and amount travelled by a particular vehicle.

Our project is micro controller based vehicle loan watching system implemented to use a vehicle by buyer only up to the SIM card validity period which is provided by the two wheeler seller. 

Here we make use of km counting circuit to calculate the traveling distance, a sensor that is connected to the micro controller unit, takes the kilometer readings. If suppose the paid amount in SIM card is zero then the petrol tank will goes to lock condition so no person can start that vehicle. 

The distance and amount readings are currently displayed on the LCD display unit. Here two keys are provided; one is for two wheeler sellers to recharge the amount in SIM card and another one is for bike user to start the vehicle engine.
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