Vehicle Fuel Theft System | Mechanical Project Abstract

Vehicle Fuel Theft System | Mechanical Project Abstract


We aim to detect & control the vehicle fuel theft using Micro controller.Nowadays vehicle fuel theft is increasing due to the increase of fuel price. In order to avoid the vehicle fuel theft, we have designed a project to serve the situation. 

In our project five sensors are placed inside & surrounding the petrol tank. If the vehicle is in running condition the petrol flow is very slow, so the sensor not considers it. But if we theft the petrol, the petrol flow is very fast. 

If the petrol flow is very fast then the sensor senses that and sends the message to the Micro controller. So by the basic program of the Micro controller the alarm is turned ON. This is the main concept of our project.

Through LCD display we can see the balance quantity of the petrol in petrol tank. Then the memory device stores the level of the petrol in petrol tank
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