Resource Conservation | Seminar Topic for Mechanical Students with pdf - TamilYoungsters

Resource Conservation

Resources are the things from the environment which are useful to human beings. Natural resources are resources we get from nature (example: fossil fuels, water, minerals from soil). The term conservation came into use in the late 19th century and referred to the management, mainly for economic reasons, of valuable natural resources. But conservation of natural resources is now usually embraced in the broader conception of conserving the earth itself by protecting its capacity for self-renewal. Particularly complex are the problems of non-renewable resources such as oil and coal and other minerals in great demand. 

The growing population, rapid industrialisation and urbanisation have created heavy demand on all these materials. Conservation of resources not only means the protection but also the judicious use of the resources so that they don't get exhausted. Management of the human use of natural resources to provide the maximum benefit to current generations while maintaining capacity to meet the needs of future generations is called Conservation of resources.

Essentiality of resources to satisfy the needs of humans as living organisms is mentioned and so is exhaustibility of most of them. Conservation is the main point of the answer to this resource crisis. Present state of this problem is very alarming and will go fully out of control if we don’t act quickly and spontaneously. This is one of the main problems of civilisation at present and this problem cannot be managed without the help of everyone. And to get everyone’s help at first everyone should be known about the matter. Awareness should be generated and spread among the people. And that’s why this topic has been chosen to be discussed.

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