Java Ring | Seminar Topics for Computer Science Students with ppt - TamilYoungsters

Java Ring | Seminar Topics for Computer Science Students with ppt

A Java Ring is a finger ring that contains a small microprocessor with built-in capabilities for the user. It contains an inexpensive microprocessor in a stainless steel i-button running a JVM and it is preloaded with applet. The Java Ring is an extremely secure Java-powered electronic token. Java Ring could have a number of real-world application.

The jewel of the Java Ring is the Java iButton -- a one-million transistor, single chip trusted microcomputer with a powerful Java Virtual Machine (JVM) housed in a rugged and secure stainless-steel case. Originally called "touch memory" devices, they were later renamed "iButtons." Packaged like batteries, iButtons have only a single active electrical contact on the top surface, with the stainless steel shell serving as ground.

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