General Interest topics for group discussion

- Global warming Should Surrogate advertising be allowed?
- Satellite channels are creating cultural erosion
- The pros and cons of having a credit card
- Fire overweight policeman and physically unfit politicians?
- Computer viruses are good
- Death or life term for Kasab?
- India's huge population - bane or boon?
- India should practice "Swadeshi"
- The government should stop funding IIT's and IIM's
- Food Bill - Is it really something India needs?
- Will India really be the superpower of 21st century?
- Death or life term for Kasab?
- Television in India
- US war on Iraq-justified or not?
- Nuclear power good for increasing power demands
- Should doctors be tried in Consumer Courts?
- Quality is a myth in India.
- China - A threat to India? Detaining Shahrukh at US
- Airport was just a matter of security check
- Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?
- Mobile phones - requirement of the day.
- It is better to be born lucky than rich
- Cursing the weather is bad farming
- Patience is a bitter plant but bears sweet fruits
- If you want peace, prepare for war
- When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail
- Good things always arise from good thinking
- Permanent colony on moon is the future.
- Great spirits face violent opposition from mediocre minds.
- Education is a progressive way of discovering your ignorance.
- Happiness is a mystery like religion, and it should not be rationalized
- Low cost diamonds for teenagers will help meet their aspirations