Education topics for group discussion
- Sex education Technology consultant
- Examinations - has it killed education?
- The medium of teaching in schools should be English
- The medium of teaching in schools should be English.
- Should GD/PI be a part of selection process?
- B-Schools should aim at creating entrepreneurs
- A room without books is like a body without soul.
- Increasing no. of Engg. Colleges is a boon to society
- Educated Indians lack national commitment.
- E-Learning is good for the education system and society.
- Should we change present system of education?
- Should burqa be banned in classrooms and exam halls?
- Social networking on Internet is a boon.
- Hard work or Smart work - Which is important?
- Education industry is a business these days.
- Indian universities vs Foreign universities.
- Wisdom does not come with age.
- A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in teaching the students
- Facebooking : A time pass actitivity