Economics and Business topics for group discussion

- Inflation Impact of Globalization
- Electronic media vs. print media
- BPO’s in INDIA
- Corruption is the price we pay for democracy
- Multinational corporations: Are they devils in disguise?
- Advertising is a waste of resources.
- Privatization will lead to less corruption.
- Should gambling be legalized?
- China market - a threat to Indian market
- Private companies in building up infrastructure
- Commercialization of Medical services - Good or bad?
- Technology Creates Income
- Disparities India should be reorganized into smaller states.
- IT boom and the growing pressure
- Black money in tax heavens - declared national property
- Rising petrol prices - Govt. can control?
- Government should give up the control on CBI.
- Smaller businesses and start-ups have more scope
- Developing countries need trade, not aid.
- China is a threat to Indian IT industry.
- Should agricultural subsidies be stopped?
- Multinational corporations: Are they devils in disguise?
- Business and Ethics do not go together
- Indian culture doesn't breed leaders.
- Futuristic Internet connected glasses - A technology overdose?.
- Performance based bonuses for government employees should be welcomed
- Ditching the Kyoto Protocol - Is India's objection on EU justified?.
- Celebrities should be welcomed in politics.
- Winning is what matters, whatever may be the cost
- A permanent seat in the UN Security
- Council is neither necessary nor sufficient for India to become a world power
- Life has become dangerous in this unipolar world
- For an idea to be accepted it has to be advertised by a good salesman
- India - really the NexGen superpower
- Fate of Apple after Steve Jobs
- Viral Marketing should be encouraged
- FDI in Retail - Will really affect the farmers of India?
- EU Zone Crisis - reason for rising value of dollar
- US Debt Crisis - really has an impact on world market Should central government provide
- West Bengal a moratorium on loan repayments?
- Sanctions against Iran - right or wrong?
- Speculation is an art of life
- Depreciation of Indian Rupee has only negative impact on the economy
- Nokia and Microsoft are a planned alliance or desperate move?
- RBI can not control inflation with its temporary monetary policies
- Is Inflation always harmful?
- Gold: Best investment or a bursting bubble?