Interesting Picture and Facts About Emotions - TamilYoungsters


The clench hands grasp and strain climbs 
through the upper middle, arriving at 
as high as the skullcap. The test 
subjects' indignation actually went
to their heads. 


Fear completely takes over the
entire upper body. In addition, the
calves and arms tense up. The
stomach starts to cramp up; a
suffocating feeling spreads across
the chest. Fear also strikes the
head with moderate intensity.


We get a queasy feeling, centred in
the stomach, that also reaches up
from the oesophagus to the head.
Oddly, our hands are also active
during disgust – possibly on high
alert in case they’re required to
defend against something foul.


A tingly warmth floods the entire
body, from head to toes. Every
centimetre of our body is
energised with happiness.


Our chest feels constricted – it
hurts, literally. The rest of the body
feels empty. We lose feeling in
our arms and legs, as if they’ve
been numbed.


We experience a knotted feeling in
the chest and abdomen. Worry is
mainly concentrated in the torso;
in the limbs, feeling decreases.


We barely perceive our body and
its functions when in a neutral
state. Sensations are actually
slightly decreased in the limbs.


Activity explodes in the head and
chest. We breathe in fi tfully; for
a brief moment, it feels like the
heart has stopped. Feeling in the
legs becomes limited.


Heat spreads across the chest and
the head, until we literally turn red.
When feeling shame we become
acutely aware of the upper half of
the body.


Head, arms and legs are flung into
a black hole as we lose all feeling
in these areas. The upper body
feels as if it’s been numbed.


Jealousy is centred almost entirely
in our skull and chest. But the
sensation goes no further than the
heart, and the rest of the body
remains relatively neutral.


The heart thumps madly and the
stomach feels like you’re riding a
rollercoaster. The rest of the body
experiences a warm, fuzzy feeling.
It’s only in the feet and the calves
that we don’t feel anything.


Contempt makes precise landings
on three parts of the body: in the
head, hands and upper part of the
chest. As a result, feeling in the
groin and in the legs decreases.


The shoulders are pulled back and
the spine is straightened. Tension
and excitement is felt from the
back of the hand right up to the
head. Pride is concentrated in the
upper torso. Below the diaphragm,
the sensation is cut off.
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