ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY1 Syllabus for semester 1 Anna University

CY2111                                ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY I                             L T  P  C
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To impart a  sounknowledge on the principles of  chemistry involving the different application oriented topics required for all engineering branches.

The student should be conversant with the principles water characterizatio and treatment of potable and industrial purposes.
Principles of polymer chemistry and engineering applications of polymers
Industrial applications of surface chemistry
Conventional and non-conventional energy sources and energy storage    devices and
Chemistry of engineering materials

UNIT I     WATER TECHNOLOGY                                                                                   9
Characteristics alkalinity types of alkalinity and determination hardness types and estimation  by  EDTA  method  (problems);  Domestic  water  treatment   disinfection methods (Chlorination, ozonation.  UV treatment) Boiler feed water requirements disadvantages of using hard water in boilers internal conditioning (phosphate, calgon and carbonate conditioning methods) external conditioning demineralization process
desalination and reverse osmosis.

UNIT II     POLYMERS AND COMPOSITES                                                                    9
Polymers-definition polymerization types addition and condensation polymerization
free radical polymerization mechanism Plastics, classification preparation, properties and uses of PVC, Teflon, polycarbonate, polyurethane, nylon-6,6, PET- Rubber -vulcanization  of rubber, synthetic rubbers buty1 rubber, SBR, Composites – definition, types polymer matrix composites FRP only.

UNIT III     SURFACE CHEMISTRY                                                                                9
Adsorption types adsorption of gases on solids adsorption isotherms Frendlich and Langmuir isotherms adsorption of solutes from solution role of adsorbents in catalysis, ion-exchange adsorption and pollution abatement.

STORAGE DEVICES                                                                                       9
Nuclear energy fission and fusion reactions and light water nuclear reactor for power generation (block diagram only) – breeder reactor solar energy conversion solar cells
wind energy fuel cells hydrogen oxygen fuel cell batteries alkaline batteries
lead–acid, nickelcadmium and lithium batteries.

UNIT V    ENGINEERING MATERIALS                                                                          9
Refractories classification acidic, basic and neutral refractories properties (refractoriness,  refractoriness  under  load,  dimensional  stability,  porosity,  thermal spalling) – manufacture of alumina, magnesite and zirconia bricks, Abrasives natural and synthetic abrasives quartz, corundum, emery, garnet, diamond, silicon carbide and boron carbide.  Lubricants mechanism of lubrication, liquid lubricants, - properties
viscosity index, flash and fire points, cloud and pour points, oilyness) solid lubricants
graphite and molybdenum sulphide.  Nanomaterials introduction to nanochemistry
carbon nanotubes and their applications
1.  P.C.Jain and Monica Jain, Engineering Chemistry” Dhanpat Rai Pub, Co., New
Delhi (2002).
2.  S.S. DaraA text book of engineering chemistry” S.Chand & Co.Ltd., New Delhi

1.  B.K.Sharma  Engineering  chemistry”  Krishna  Prakasan  Media  (P)  Ltd.,  Meerut
2.  B. Sivasankar Engineering Chemistry” Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.Co.Ltd, New Delhi

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