Electricity Theft Identification System | Electrical Project
Electricity Theft Identification System
Electricity Theft Identification System project is
microcontroller based Electricity Theft Identification system. This project
will not only useful to electricity theft, and also it will be useful the
monitor and transfer energy, calculating the fare, and using the prepaid card
for paying the amount to an EB substation.
If suppose we implement the project for a complete network
in an area, that will be consuming very huge amount and it can calculate the
energy transmission and energy consumption. By using the above two values we
can calculate the transmission loses we are going to implement an energy meter
with wireless transmission for single house.
In a house to calculate the energy we have to monitor the
existing energy meter reading. The energy meter readings are taken by an
optical sensor, which is kept in between the slotted disk of the analog energy
meter. Then the number of pulses will be counted.
Then the microcontroller will display the energy output in
seven segment LED display. The accuracy of the meter depends on the existing
meter. The sim card is actually a memory card which is used to
detect the amount from the card