- Joule's first expertise can bounce over dividers, shock and thump back.
- Joule's second expertise is profoundly spammable, scales with both weapon and gem harm and needs to be stacked to arrangement additinal harm.
- Joule's definitive is the most harming expertise in amusement, it pushes you back and can even kill adversaries from a separation.
- One of the most noteworthy harm merchants.
- You take less essential assault harm from fronts and sides
- Joule's second ability. It has a higher weapon scaling contrasted with gem and hence it can be gainful to assemble her as a half and half.
- A standout amongst the most flexible saints in diversion.
- Use yourself as lure, bounce over a divider, and impact adversaries.
- Your definitive can't be crossed out, yet its still avoidable. Glaive can at present thump you away however.
- Don't impact a Catherine with her shield rise on, it can do you more mischief than great.
- Get your second expertise to max stack it will crit weapon harm.
- Joule can either viably path or wilderness.
- On the off chance that conceivable don't utilize you extreme when you're are simply going to execute one foe.
- Utilize your first expertise to dissipate foes outdoors in hedges.
- Don't miss your second expertise, it will evacuate your stacks.
- Utilize your first ability to escape ganks.
- Be carful when throwing first ability it has a long throwing time.
- Make edges while battling, its truly compelling when setting up your definitive.
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