Automobile Surveillance | Mechanical Project Abstract

Automobile Surveillance | Mechanical Project Abstract


This is the innovative project for the purpose of the surveillance of the automobiles using the communication technologies. The major objective of our project is to minimize the automobile theft and to provide an additional security to the automobiles

Nowadays communication is flourishing everywhere, it just spread all over the world. We could able to communicate with every nook and corner of the world. The micro controllers and computers are helping to develop the communication field in a very quick manner.
The Radio Frequency (RF) modules consist of transmitters and receivers. RF is playing a very important role in communication systems. One of the features of the RF modules is its easy interface facility with the Computer and Micro Controller. Hence, we in our project aim to innovate an idea to use the RF modules for the surveillance of the automobiles.

Our project consists of the following devices: 

(a) RF transmission Module and 
(b) RF reception module. 

The RF Transmission Module consists of 

1) RF transmitter 
2) Micro controller (89C51)
3) Address setting keypad and 
4) auto and manual switches and indicators. 

The RF Reception Module consists of 

1) RF receiver module 
2) MAX 232 and 
3) PC (personal computer).


The transmitter module is fitted in the automobiles in order to transmit the address of the automobile. This section consists of the micro controller. 

The micro controller is programmed to generate the RF signal according to the input set through the address setting keypad. The address setting keypad is to set the address of the automobiles into the micro controller. The micro controller is programmed to send the RF signal to the Transmitter. The transmitter receives the signal from the micro controller and transmits the RF signal though antenna.

The additional feature provided in this project is the selector switch. The RF transmission can be switched either automatically or by manually.


The RF reception module is kept at the check station or check post, in order to receive the RF signal transmitted by the Transmission module. This module is interfaced with the PC through the MAX 232 port. 

The RF receiver receives the RF signal transmitted by the RF transmission module. It just receives the RF signal and passes it to the PC. The MAX232 port is used to interface the receiver and the PC
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