Automatic Light Dim Dip Controller | Electrical Projects

Automatic Light Dim Dip Controller


This project is focused on keeps the correct head light lighting power in accordance with the opposite vehicle light or any light source intensity.

This type of system called Automatic Dim and Dipper is used to control the intensity of the Head light automatically using the Dim Dip Controller. By knowing the opposite vehicle light intensity value, the brightness of the light is varied. This system is accurate, reliable and it is easy to operate also.


 This project is designed by following blocks,

•  LDR.

•  Comparator.

•  Relay

•  Lighting system.

The system consists power supply unit, lighting system, LDR (light dependent resistor), comparator, and a relay. The LDR is a light detecting resistor, which output voltage varies depends on the environmental light, it is connected with comparator for compare the reference voltage and input voltage, when the sun light is dark, the LDR sends low voltage to the comparator, so the reference voltage and LDR output voltage are not matched with each other, then the comparator triggers a high pulse from its output pin, this is given to the relay driver circuit for control light brightness. 

If the environmental light is in normal power the LDR output voltage will be equal to the reference voltage then the comparator triggers a low pulse to the relay driver circuit, so the head light will glow normally. Also there is one switch is there to control the power to headlight, that is operated manually. If that switch is in the ON position then with respect to LDR input the brightness will be control.
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