Automatic Fuel Tank Filling System | Mechanical Project Abstract

Automatic Fuel Tank Filling System | Mechanical Project Abstract 


The ultimate aim of Automatic Fuel Tank Filling System project is to fill the vehicle fuel tank based on the input given through the keypad arrangement accurately

In this project we innovated a new idea that the vehicle fuel tank can be filled up with accurate quantity of fuel based on the value given through the keypad arrangement. Here we are using the micro controller to perform the overall controlling functions.

Here the fuel tank is placed at a constant height and the pressure level of the tank is maintained at a particular level so that the fuel coming out through the tube could be the same quantity. Constant volume tube is used here to take the fuel out of the source tank and it is controlled based on the time factor.

First we should set the timing value for each and every unit of fuel by measuring the quantity of fuel flowing from the outlet. Then this can be implemented with the same tank pressure and outlet valve size.

The amount of Fuel filled is displayed through the LCD display and the process status is indicated through the indicator. Here when we enter the quantity of fuel which is to be filled in the unit of liters the micro controller unit identifies this data and it actuates the valve control circuitry to open and close the valve for corresponding time limit so as to fill the vehicle fuel tank.
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