Accident Alert in Modern Traffic System with Camera | Electrical Projects

Accident Alert in Modern Traffic System with Camera


This project is developed for the users to have accident alert in modern traffic system. This device can be used in highly accidental area and pin drop curves to avoid accidents.

It consists of two transmitters and two receivers. One transmitter is connected first (One arm of the curve) and a receiver is fixed just opposite to the transmitter. The other transmitter is connected at the same side(Other arm of the curve) and the receiver is fixed just opposite to the second transmitter.

When the vehicle passes the first transmitting and receiving unit(One arm of the curve), it senses that one vehicle is crossing. When it crosses the second unit(Other arm of the curve), it also senses. The microcontroller unit calculates the speed=displacement/time taken.

If the speed exceeds the particular value, it sends signal to the other side vehicle to be alert. It also alerts the other side vehicle when some one crosses one side. Also it captures the high speed vehicle. Thus the high speed vehicle can be traced easily.

This project is very much used in traffic controller. It is very accurate and cost effective.
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