Abroad University | Macquarie University in Australia - TamilYoungsters

Macquarie University is a public research university based in Sydney, Australia, in the suburb of Macquarie Park. Founded in 1964 by the New South Wales Government, it was the third university to be established in the metropolitan area of Sydney.It is the fourth largest university in Sydney.

The university comprises five faculties. Also affiliated with the university are several research centres, schools and institutes including the Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Australian Proteome Analysis Facility, the Institute of Human Cognition and Brain Science, the Macquarie University Research Park and the Macquarie University Hospital. At present, the university offers 87 undergraduate courses and 124 different postgraduate courses to students. The university is governed by a 17-member Council. According to the QS World University Rankings, Macquarie is the highest ranked university in Australia under the age of 50, it is ranked 18th in the world.[9] Macquarie is ranked in the 201st-300th bracket and 8th-9th in Australia in the 2013 Academic Ranking of World Universities.[10] The university is also ranked among the national top five recipients of relative research income. Macquarie University also has the largest student exchange programme in Australia.
The university currently comprises 35 departments within 5 faculties:

  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Business and Economics
  • Faculty of Human Sciences
  • Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

The University Council is the governing authority of the university under the Macquarie University Act 1989. The Council takes primary responsibility for the control and management of the affairs of the University, and is empowered to make by-laws and rules relating to how the University is managed. Members of the Council include the University Vice-Chancellor, Academic and non-academic staff, the Vice President of the Academic Senate and a student representative. The Council is chaired by The Chancellor of the University.

The Academic Senate is the primary academic body of the university. It has certain powers delegated to it by Council, such as the approving of examination results and the completion of requirements for the award of degrees. At the same time, it makes recommendations to the Council concerning all changes to degree rules, and all proposals for new awards. While the Academic Senate is an independent body, it is required to make recommendations to the university Council in relation to matters outside its delegated authority.

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