Shocking and Funny facts about India - Tamilyoungsters

100 million individuals go to India's Kumbh Mela Festival, the world's greatest social affair of people.  

It's illicit to take Indian cash (rupees) out of India. 

Breathing the air in Mumbai, India, for only one day is equal to smoking 100 cigarettes. 

A man wedded a Dog in India as amends. 

India has the world's least meat utilization every individual. 

India has more cellular telephones than toilets.
Kids' Day is commended in India on November fourteenth, 9 months after Valentine's Day. 

In West Bengal, India, cows must have a Photo ID Card. 

One lady passes on consistently in India due to settlement related criminal acts. 

70% of all the world's spicy flavors originated from India.

An Indian man claims he hasn't consumed or inebriated for a long time. After doctor tests, specialists still don't know how its conceivable. 

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