PS4 Continues To Beat Xbox One Through February

The NPD numbers for February are in, and Sony's PS4 takes the #1 spot for all hardware sales, according to the company. We don’t have a specific count, butMicrosoft MSFT -0.53% announced 258,000 Xbox Ones sold, so we know that it’s more than that.
“NPD Group: PS4 is #1 again for the month, and cumulative sales, in the United States. Thanks for your support!,” tweeted Sony.
Hardware sales for the industry totaled $347 million, up 42 percent from the same time last year.
This could be the way things settle for a while, though it’s important to note that both consoles continue to trounce their predecessors at a similar point in time — Microsoft’s Xbox One beating out the Xbox 360 by 61 percent. Fat times continue for the next-gen consoles in general, and that’s without any truly compelling software out yet.
But there’s another next-gen console in the mix, as well. Nintendo hasn’t given us specific numbers, but says that the release of Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze helped push Wii U sales up 25 percent over the same time last year, selling 130,000 units total.
On the software side of things, Call of Duty: Ghosts took the top spot, with Lego Movie: The Game coming in behind. Thief, took the fourth spot, behind NBA 2K14. Software in total was down from last year, due to a lack of new releases and the probability that people had been saving money for consoles.
It will be very interesting to see how these numbers pan out next month, when Titanfall and Infamous: Second Son start driving some new hardware sales. Titanfall has already gotten more buzz than Infamous, and I suspect that this is going to be Microsoft’s first and best shot to turn what has become the dominant narrative around. It still faces an uphill battle, however, mostly because of the price (which is mitigated by bundles that include Titanfall for free).
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